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Account / Billing
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Account / Billing
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Accounts & Billing
Inamon has a comprehensive debtor and creditor account system integrated with the other modules
Each Party can have multiple accounts, e.g. separating policy postings from claims postings
Via the 'Workbook' facility, all relevant postings can be made to the accounts, e.g. payments, refunds, transfers, write offs etc
Outgoing payments are controlled via a multi level authorisation facility. Outgoing payments can originate in other modules, such as refunds from the policy system and payments from the claim system
Account items can be grouped into single payment items
'Instalment payments' is an account facility available for use by any of the modules, and it has a very flexible setup, including payment frequency, minimum amount criteria, customer chosen 'due day', deposits, mta premium reduction rules, new/mta/renewal variation etc. Easy extension of payment method selection and payment detail capture facilities, to enable highly customised pages
Payment channels are implemented as plug-ins to cater for payment systems around the world, and to enable ultimate choice within the given country. These plug-ins work as extensions to the core Inamon functionality
Account reminders can be executed at various levels and include multiple settings such as minimum reminder amount, minimum account amount, step trigger method, grace days between steps, reminder fees etc. Each cycle can have an unlimited number of steps which can execute an unlimited number of actions, e.g. send out an email, cancel a policy etc