Party / Client

Party / Client

  • Inamon is completely client centric; the term 'Party' being the broader definition of clients, customers and any other individuals or entities such as loss adjusters, witnesses, insurance companies
  • Each party can have multiple addresses associated with their account, such as main addresses, mailing addresses, insured addresses, etc. It can also record multiple contact points, such as telephone numbers and email addresses
  • Inamon records a journal of all correspondence with customers
  • The system can easily be extended with country specific address systems to enhance data quality and reduce customer input requirements. Javision currently partners with QAS in the UK
  • Discount rules can be created in the 'Party' module, with multiple criteria linked to other modules, e.g. a discount could be for all products, a specific product or a specific product line
  • The 'Party' module has 'Affinity' functionality, and customers can be linked to one or more 'Affinity' groups
  • Discounts can be linked to individual customers or affinity groups, and rules used to manage maximum discounts, priorities, combination discounts, transaction criteria etc