
Inamon offers a host of support functions such as the ones described below.


Task Management

  • Inamon has a comprehensive general task management framework, ensuring all jobs and tasks are performed at the appropriate time
  • Tasks can be triggered from anywhere within the system, for example; predefined tasks for specific claims types, claim case types, claimed item types, from the accounts reminder system for manual intervention or from the policy renewal system for review and customer contact etc
  • Task templates can be created for automatic creation holding specific task information
  • Tasks are allocated to individual people or departments / work groups
  • Managers can allocate due tasks to individual employees within the managers department, or as authorisation has been specified
  • Managers can transfer authorisation to other individuals in case of holidays etc
  • Backup managers can be specified to cover for illness etc 


Job Scheduling

  • Inamon has a job scheduling framework enabling the execution of jobs that need run at specific times, e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually etc.
  • Job Actions are packaged into Job Groups in Inamon which helps to ensure sequencing and reporting. An example could be an overnight run including renewals, account reminders, bordereau production etc.
  • The Windows Task Scheduler picks up the Job Groups and executes them at the appropriate time.
  • The Job report is emailed to a designated user with information from the individual actions, e.g. containing successful and failed items.
  • The individual Job Actions can contain automatic arguments, e.g. to ensure that a report is executed monthly for the previous month.
  • A Job Action can execute stored procedures, Inamon core business layer functions or site specific functions.


Menu control

  • Inamon's menu system can be structured exactly as required by the implementation.
  • It is closely linked to the user access control, and only those menu items that the individual user has access to will be seen by the user.
  • External partners, such as agents, can have individual menu structures.
  • Menus can be used in customer facing pages with full control over access.


Site Plug-Ins

  • It is possible to plug in specific site functionality in a very controlled manner throughout the system, without changing the core application. This ensures easy maintenance and easy upgrades to new versions.
  • Plug-Ins are controlled by the framework and can be easily enabled and disabled.


Calendar functionality

  • The calendar functionality helps to know work days, bank days etc. For example when sending payments to clearing facilities, we may need to know the number of bank days before payments can be confirmed.
  • Multiple calendars can be set up, and one calendar can inherit another calendar.



  • There are multiple site settings available, and the site will be able to use the settings functionality to add further settings for future flexibility.